Saturday, July 01, 2006

Nice ride up around Newberry and Winnsboro

There truly are some good roads just north of Columbia if you'll get off the main roads and explore a bit. I had a great 200 mile ride today, meandering through Prosperity and Newberry, over toward Winnsboro, and back down. I didn't know where I was for awhile, nor did I care; I was just following my front wheel. :-) Along my way I found this old store and ancient gas pump; I didn't try pumping from it, because I'm sure the last owner didn't use Stabil, and my carbs would surely gum up. ;-)

Under Armor clothing is the stuff to wear when it's hot! I wore my t-shirt and shorts today, and at the end of my ride I was cool and dry; I went for a similar ride the other day wearing cotton underwear and t-shirt, and I was absolutely soaked when I got home. Doesn't have to be the real Under Armor; I use the knock-off that Wal-Mart sells, and I'm thrilled with it.


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